
Aayush Ranabhat

Aayush Ranabhat, a thirteen-year-old boy originally from Badhaiyatal-7, Baria, currently resides in the Asna Orphanage. Despite facing significant challenges with his family—his father disabled and his mother missing—Aayush remains resilient and focused on his education and future.

Aayush is currently in the eighth grade and is known at school for his dedication as a student. He takes his studies seriously, actively participates in class, and enjoys learning. Outside of academics, Aayush finds happiness in playing football, which also allows him to bond with his friends.

Looking ahead, Aayush has ambitious aspirations for his future—to join the army. He is inspired by the noble ideals of service and duty that the army represents and is determined to pursue a career in this field. Aayush's determination and positive outlook in the face of adversity highlight his strong character and commitment to achieving his goals.